Monday, August 10, 2015

My Goals

I... am a crazy list lady.

There is no denying this. I have been known to make lists of lists to make. I can't imagine a functioning life without lists.

There is a list I have never written out, but always think of. So today, I am making it with you as my witness.

My Goals

May they be long term or short, here they are.

- Be a licensed RN
- Become an NP
- Be a parent
- Get a tattoo
- Develop a gym routine
- Travel to Washington state
- Travel everywhere! (This is its own list entirely.)
- Get a second dog (Huskie? Golden?)
- Own a Farmhouse
- Get Regular Manicures
- Be well enough off that my regular supermarket is an organic one.
- Blog regularly
- Pay off school loans
- Get married

Most of these are random, but I think goals are an important thing. It is easy to become bogged down by the stress and pressure of every day life. Having these exciting possibilities to work towards are a wonderful reminder of how much this beautiful little world has in hold.

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