I pride myself on being a generally pretty healthy eater. I really had to make a habit of it a few years ago when I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. It is one beautiful silver lining that came out from when I was so sick: I am pretty healthy eater these days! :)
However, despite the fact that I love to eat healthy, I still get SUCH sugar cravings! I have to issue insane amounts of self control when I pass the candy aisle in Target, man. And if I have a big exam coming up, a good old snack of Sour Patch Kids is how I like to treat myself while I am studying. Today though, I may have just found the game-changing snack of all snacks! (Drumroll please!!!) Pan-seared honey bananas!
Journey with me, friends, to a land of deliciousness!
This recipe took all of five minutes to make and totally satisfied my sugar craving.
The required ingredients are ones that I always have on hand in my kitchen.
- A banana
- A bit of honey
- A sprinkle of cinnamon
- A spray of coconut oil non-stick spray
The steps to this are TOO EASY.
1. Slice your banana.
2. Lightly spray your frying pan with the coconut oil and drop in your banana slices in and let them simmer for a minute or two.
3. Using a spatula, flip the slices and drip the honey on your slices. (I just did the tiniest drop because I was concerned that if I drizzled the honey, it would burn too quickly on the hot surface of the pan.) Let them simmer again for another minute or two.
4. Transfer the slices to a dish and sprinkle cinnamon on top. Enjoy them while they are hot!
I swear, they're like candy, but without the part where you feel like you're going to die after eating them.
Hope you all enjoy these as much as I did!